A nutrient-packed salad bowl recipe with all sorts of greens: broccoli, spinach, kale, microgreens, cucumber, and avocado! Mixed up with a simple lemon dressing.

These bowls are going to look like a total snooze fest after the Dairy-Free Fudgesicles and the Paleo Double Chocolate Chip Cookies I posted earlier this week. Seriously, how can anything compete with rich chocolatey goodness?
But like all things in life, everything has its place. For me, it would appear as though the place for a bowl of this foliage-filled magnitude is to get my blood sugar back in order after over-consuming said chocolatey goodness.
I’m not sure how we turned this site into a dessert blog over the last few weeks, but the majority of the recipes I’ve been making lately have been of the dessert-like nature…don’t worry…there are yet more to be posted 😉
Case in point, this bowl of greenage is perfect for everyday lunching and for taking a break from dessert, or whatever food group you happen to be over-consuming.
Because I eat a restricted diet, low in grains, I have a tendency to over-eat nuts, as I typically use almond flour or hazelnut flour in my treats.
While I eat {{mostly}} grain-free to help keep my digestive issues under control, sometimes the nuts get to me as well. The lesson to be learned here is over-eating any type of food group, whether or not it’s considered to be healthy, can have an adverse effect on your digestive system.
Side note: It’s easy to overdo it on vegetables as well…we should be eating a largely plant-based diet, but more than 5 to 6 servings of fruit and veggies in a day can result in GI upset as well. End side note.
So in honor of really, really, really enjoying me some tasty treats, I whipped up this recipe the other day as a way to lower my blood sugar, realign my relationship with greens, and to get my lunch habits back in order.
Kale and other leafy greens work wonders on bringing your insulin levels down, ramping up your vitamin levels, and helping move along your digestive system.
All in all, this recipe is designed to remove toxins from your system, add a boost of vitamins and minerals, revitalize your energy, and bring you up from any sugar crash you may be facing…or it can serve as just a really really great salad…that works, too! 😉
How to Make Raw Power Bowls:
So details on this power bowl. It’s simple! We have raw chopped veggies – broccoli, kale, spinach, cucumber, microgreens, and avocado – with hemp hearts and an easy peasy lemon squeezy lemon dressing.
It’s vegan, it’s paleo, it’s whole30, it’s a detoxifyer, a system reset, a superfood cleanout to make you feel glowy, bright, shiny, and new.
All it takes is some chopping, some whisking, and voila! The salad makes enough for 2 hefty portions, or if you’re serving this as a side salad, it will be good for 3 to 4 people. Feel free to scale up or down on the greens as necessary!
Power it up!
Raw Power Bowls
- 1 medium crown broccoli chopped into small florets
- 1/2 small head green curly kale finely chopped
- 1/2 English cucumber thinly sliced
- 3 cups baby spinach chopped
- 1 cup microgreens
- 1 avocado diced
- 1 tablespoon hemp hearts
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 3 tablespoons lemon juice
- sea salt to taste
- Add all the veggies to a large bowl. Whisk together the lemon juice and olive oil in a small bowl and drizzle over the veggies. Toss everything together until well-coated. Sprinkle sea salt to taste. Serve as a light entree, or alongside your favorite entree!
Love all the greens in here! THese power bowls look like such a great lunch or dinner 😉
Life is all about balance…so indulging in fudgesicles and cookies is A-OK as long as it’s followed up with something like this power bowl (and a trip to the gym)! haha Truthfully, I love a good bowl of greens as much or more than dessert, so these are looking really good!